Top Telugu youtubers

 Hello everybody welcome back to mdg podcast in English today I have to discuss about the one of the most important topic that is top Telugu youtubers you know it's very well now YouTube industry is growing everyday some millions of creators joining YouTube creator program.

This youtubers is not only making the videos they also showing the best nature and different countries culture programs and many other entertainment programs now where discussing about today top Telugu youtubers.

What people thinking about travelling it's very expensive in case if you are very interesting to go a broad and other countries it's very difficult to travel by own money so what they are doing nothing just it's very simple making videos about travelling the explaining about the country culture and historical information.

Top Telugu youtubers 

Do you know the top youtubers in Telugu there are some thousands of YouTube creators or making the videos and generating the revenue and the using this revenue to make travel expenses. More money making by the youtubers it's not easy but they can't stamply working very hard so that's why they recovering the money from Youtube.

Top Telugu youtubers 

Telugu real traveles

  • Na anveshana
  • Raju kanneboyina
  • Bayya sunny yadav
  • Uma Telugu traveller

Naa anveshana 

Na anveshana YouTube channel owner Anvesh. He is from Visakhapatnam a middle class family boy now inspiring many travellers. If you are thinking to start the travelling then please take inspiration from non-veshana YouTube channel he visited many countries in USA and Europe countries he visited also many countries now she is inspiration person for everyone so he should for beautiful places.

Inspiration to young youtubers from naa anveshana 

Inspirational story from na anveshana YouTube channel do you know he started the travelling a years ago do you know what she doing for his own expenses without asking parents she working part time job in studying days. Also she don't ask anyone for the help in childhood days and she decided to make travelling in student days.

Peoples call him prapancha yatrikudu she visited many places and introduced many unknown countries in the world. I am also fan of the na anveshana for more interesting videos please visited his YouTube channel you will get all the travelling videos.

Raju kanneboyina 

Hello friends now we are going to know about Raju Hyderabad. He making videos About lifestyle travelling and vlogs. 

Raju visited many Islam countries like Pakistan Dubai and mini other countries she also made hundred days trip completed do you know he have 2 lakh 50000 subscribers present now I am getting good revenue from YouTube. He also visited Nepal and many other neighbour countries.

I like his Travels videos best videos making by the raju kanneboyina. 

Bayya sunny yadav 

Hello friends now we are going to know about 8 of Telugu youtuber that is bhaiya Sunny Yadav now no one without knowing about the bhaiya Sunny Yadav. His full name is bhaiya Sandeep Yadav in shortcut bhaiya Sunny Yadav. 

He making bike riding by making the YouTube videos where our he want to go just he going through the bike. He is very famous in YouTube travelling industry. Yes ago she is not using very expensive camera on nothing he heard but here do you know the first Rider is from Hyderabad to Ladakh do you know the ladki is very famous place that everyone visit once in life so he is very famous so this video.

Uma Telugu traveller 

Uma Telugu traveller is very famous in YouTube in short time so he gets very popular tea within 2 years so now we are going to know about Uma Telugu traveler introduction basically she is from Tenali Andhra Pradesh. 

He like to travel and he want to share his travel experience with you to audience so he started making videos in April 2020. Before YouTube starting she working in Mali as a water treatment plant. The company is providing food and many other facilities to Uma Telugu traveles.

Do you know his first video the African street food video is very popular and that video brath a good name for Uma Prasad.

Friends now you have to know about this for youtubers that's very famous in travelling so if you want to for more information please visit their you to channel.

M Devegowda

Hi Everyone am M Devegowda home town amarapuram

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